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Great Book Phyllis. I could not put this one down until I had read it
completely! Thanks for allowing me to improve my life's quality through your
most intriguing story. This writing should definitely make an impact on
everyone who reads it. 8/2007
Lawrence Patterson
This book reveals the writers woes and triumphs of life, leading to her revelation of complete trust in her higher being. Very well expressed and revealing, of her life in general, from roots to successful outcome. She expresses her values clearly. This book is one of inspiration and encouragement spiritually and mentally for women who may need an uplift as well as a drive to carry on with dignity. It is one for any person to encourage belief in the Creator and belief in oneself. May this book inspire many!
Todd S. McKinney, TN
This book will inspire and encourage others to be and do, knowing
that with God nothing is impossible!
Deborah, IL
It is a book you don’t want to put down. It took me 4 days to read the book. I think this book will help a lot of people that
may have gone threw similar situations and for someone who has not experience
these situation, realize that my life isn’t as bad as I may think. I can’t wait for
the next book. Overall it is a book to read and read again. 9/2007